Devrims Review – Easy, Managed Cloud Hosting

Devrims is a managed cloud hosting provider that uses AWS and DigitalOcean servers for their fully managed platform. You can read our detailed Devrims review here.

About Devrims – how it works

You’re already familiar with DigitalOcean and Amazon Web Services (AWS) – the issue with those types of hosting providers is that they don’t offer managed support to their customers. This is where Devrims comes in.

Devrims use DigitalOcean and AWS servers for their services and they provide 24/7 managed support. If you’re a beginner or if you just need the support but you’d like the performance and stability of DigitalOcean and AWS, then Devrims is a perfect choice for you.

The Devrims dashboard

Their dashboard is pretty easy to use – you can set up your application in a matter of minutes. You can set up a full server stack for your app just by clicking a few buttons and selecting some options.

As of writing, you can set up a server with these applications:

The “Raw PHP” option is a good choice if the app you’re planning on using isn’t listed here.

You get to choose what version of the app you’d like to use, what stack (LEMP/LAMP), etc. You can configure your whole server with a couple of clicks. All app stacks are optimized for performance and security.

The Devrims dashboard can be used to manage all your servers, apps, and tickets.

The dashboard itself has a Monitoring feature where you can monitor your server’s resources.

Scaling up and upgrading your disk or the whole server itself can be done with a couple of clicks.

You can install a free SSL (Let’s Encrypt) through the dashboard, again, with a couple of clicks.

Devrims Pricing

Compared to other managed server providers, they’re pretty affordable and cheap for the type of services they offer. They’re well worth the money. You can check their pricing page for more details, but the servers start at $10.95 per month.

WordPress at Devrims

Setting up a WP website at Devrims is super easy. It takes you less than a minute:

Once the site is created, you can start using it right away with a temporary domain. You can also add SSH and SFTP users for the sites.

What we like about Devrims

Here are the things we like about Devrims:

Easy to use dashboard

Their dashboard is user-friendly, beginner-friendly, and super easy to use. Everything can be done in a couple of minutes. You’ll get a server stack for your app with a couple of clicks.

You can easily manage your servers, including their firewalls, all through the dashboard.

Managed support on powerful servers

We all already know and love AWS and DO. What’s great about Devrims is that you’ll get their 24/7 managed support on top of the powerful servers from AWS and DO. They reply in less than a minute if you contact them via live chat.

Free migrations

Devrims will migrate your site from your existing server to their platform for free.

Free trial accounts

You can try their servers all for free for 6 days. You don’t even have to add a credit card to try them out. The trial accounts are somewhat limited (you can only select the cheaper plans), but they’re still more than enough for testing purposes. If you do add a credit card, you can select any hosting plan you want to.

Multiple PHP versions and databases

You can install and use multiple versions of PHP and multiple databases on the same server.

Server caching with 1 click

You can deploy server-level caching (Redis/Memcached) with a click.

Easy load balancing

You can set up load balancing with a couple of clicks. Host your website on one server, and host your database on another.

Automatic daily backups

Enjoy peace of mind knowing that there’s always a backup ready for you.

If anything isn’t clear or easy for you, just contact their support via tickets or live chat, they will do it for you.

What we don’t like about Devrims

It can’t all be perfect. Since they’re still relatively new, they have room to improve. Here are the things we don’t like about Devrims:

Not a lot of app options

When creating a server, you can choose between half a dozen app options. It would be great if there were more apps to choose from, like other CRMs, Forums, or even Email hosting.

No phone support

Personally, we avoid phone support for technical issues, but some people do prefer it. Devrims doesn’t offer phone support, but they are available 24/7 via live chat for all customers, which is the preferred method of communication for most users anyway.

Conclusion on our Devrims review

They’re definitely a great option and a good alternative to Cloudways and the like. If you’re a beginner and need help with managing your servers or just don’t know how to do that at all – their managed support will help out. The platform is super easy to use, even for beginners that don’t know a single thing about servers.

This post was last modified on March 25, 2022 5:22 pm

Categories: Reviews
Tags: devrims
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