Cloudways Security – Everything You Need To Know

In today’s digital world, hackers play an intelligent role in data-stealing! When you have a web asset, you should keep it secure. Otherwise, the intruders will take control of your digital property, letting you face business loss. It will definitely be an embarrassing situation that would let you get into depression for sure.

So, how to stay secure? As an online expert, I advise you to get a reliable and secure hosting server. I got great opportunities to buy several services for my niche and client websites, but one secured hosting impressed me greatly! And yes, it is Cloudways managed hosting. Let me consolidate its admirable security features in this blog post.

I’m using the premium DO server; the standard plans are also available. You should know the difference between the Cloudways Premium and Standard of the DO server. Both plans have essential security qualities explained in this article, however, the premium droplets are best suitable for high-traffic sites and sensitive applications that require more protection.

8+ Excellent Security Features Of Cloudways Hosting

Undoubtedly, Cloudways offers sophisticated security qualities to protect your applications from potential threats. Let’s get into the details.

Dedicated Firewalls

The dedicated firewalls in Cloudways filter out the mischievous traffic at the server level. It allows only the legitimate traffic by blocking the unauthorized user access. This platform-level firewall is worth mentioning in this Cloudways security blog post.

As it allows IP whitelisting, you can allow some specific IP addresses to ensure that only trusted users can access their SSH or SFTP services.

Not only these! It supports optional web application firewalls like Cloudflare to offer an extra protection layer to handle SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other virus attacks.

Automated Backups

Cloudways offers you two types of backups to protect your data!

  • Daily Automated Backups – You can set this daily automated backup at regular intervals ranging from hourly to weekly.
  • On-demand Backups: They allow you to create on-demand backups before you make any critical updates to your server configurations.

Malcare Bot Protection

Do you want to keep your Malicious traffic at bay? Cloudways incorporates the Malcare Bot Protection to defend against brute force attacks, DDoS attacks, and other automated bot threats. So, you don’t need to bother about the automated suspicious traffic.

Sever Monitoring

  • Real-Time Monitoring: You will get real-time server monitoring in Cloudways to monitor your server health, traffic, and security alerts.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: It also monitors your server infrastructure and applications and gives alerts when unusual happenings occur.

SSH & SFTP Access

  • Secure Access: This excellent cloud hosting lets you access your server through SSH and SFTP. There will not be any sensitive information leakage during the file transfer since the communication between users and servers is encrypted.
  • Key-Based SSH Authentication: Besides password-based access, Cloudways allows you to implement key-based SSH authentication for improved security.

Security Patches

The team deploys security patches for the operating system and application stack. This regular activity helps to keep the hosting environment updated against recently determined vulnerabilities from being exploited.

Database Security

  • Database Backups: Along with general server backups, you will receive the database-specific backups for extra protection.
  • Access Control: You can create multiple database credentials and manage privileges for enhanced access control.

Cloudways SafeUpdates

It is an automated security tool designed to ensure WordPress websites are updated with the latest security updates. This paid feature will automatically update your WordPress site core, plugins, and themes while performing the safety checks.

It includes:

  • Automatic Backup with a rollback option.
  • Visual Regression Testing to detect visual inconsistencies that prevent broken layouts.
  • Performance Checks after updates to ensure your site performance remains unaffected.

Other Impressive Safety Qualities Of Cloudways Hosting

  • DDOS protection – It uses advanced DDoS protection to block distributed denial-of-service attacks and ensure your site remains unaffected during the virus attacks.
  • IP Blocking – You can block a particular IP address from accessing your website or application. It is very helpful during suspicious activity or frequent malicious attempts.
  • Notifications – You will be notified in real-time if any security glitches or server issues are identified so that you can respond immediately to safeguard your applications.
  • End-to-end encryption – It has encrypted data transfer quality to secure communication between you and the server, thereby protecting sensitive information.
  • Security Compliance – Its compliance with international security standards, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), governs your privacy and data protection.
  • Staging Environment – Through its staging feature, it is possible to test your site updates and configurations before taking them to live servers.
  • User role management – It gives granular permissions to assign different roles to team members. It helps manage those who access sensitive data or server settings.

Wrapping Up

Cloudways cloud hosting always prioritizes a secure hosting environment. I have been using their DO and Vultr high-frequency servers for the past five years and never faced any security issues till now. The team focuses on high security and consistently introduces defending features to save our data.

I highly recommend that their safest cloud servers to launch your business sites so that you will have peace of mind and can emphasize your business without worrying about malware and harmful code intrusions. I hope you have gone through the safety features and would like to try this best managed hosting.

This post was last modified on September 10, 2024 6:33 pm

Categories: Knowledgebase
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