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Monstroid2 vs Divi vs Avada – a Multipurpose WordPress Theme Comparison

An embarrassment of riches. No, we do not talk about a huge assortment of products on the shop shelves. We talk about the enormous number of multipurpose solutions. It is hard to find a person who will be dissatisfied to use one single thing to complete different tasks. In this case, it would be to the point to mention these very words – to kill two birds with one stone.

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what is wordpress

What is WordPress and How Can Writers Use It?

WordPress is a completely free open source content management system. It is used to design websites, apps, and blogs. Web hosting is one of the common uses of WordPress, it refers to allowing an individual or organization to post a website or a web page on the internet. Web hosting gives you access to a web server which stores, your web files and shares your data with the whole world.

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