Linux, Web Hosting, and Everything Else in Between
Linux, Web Hosting, and Everything Else in Between

Best Cheap Managed VPS Hosting Providers for 2023

best cheap managed vps

First of all, let’s get this out of the way. These are the best cheap managed VPS hosting providers. Not cheap VPS providers. There is no Managed VPS hosting cheaper than $10/mo. If you are looking for cheap unmanaged VPS hosting, then get a VPS from Vultr. Don’t expect any proactive support or help from unmanaged providers. If you want to use the Vultr/DigitalOcean/AWS/Google infrastructure, but still need a 24/7 support team, go with Cloudways or Devrims. They offer managed VPS plans using the Vultr/DO/AWS/Google infrastructure.

Anyway, here are the cheapest managed VPS Hosting providers out there. Cheap does not mean less quality. It just means that we did the research and actually found them. And they are hard to find.

HostCoupon/DiscountPrice Per Month (with discount)RAMCPU CoresStorageBandwidth24/7 SupportManagement LevelcPanel/WHM IncludedFull Root Access
Scala Hosting20% one time$122GB120GB SSD3000GBYesFully ManagedNoNo
KnownHost30% lifetime$352GB250GB SSD2000GBYesFully ManagedYesYes
SolaDrive25% lifetime$191GB225GB SSD1000GBYesFully ManagedNoYes
Cloudways10% off for 3 months or $30 Free Credits$91GB125GB SSD1000GBYesFully ManagedNoNo
HawkHost30% lifetime$141GB30GB SSD1500GBYesSemi ManagedNoYes
SkySilk$10 Free Credits$132GB130GB SSDUnlimitedYesFully ManagedNoYes
LinuxFox80% one-time$66GB3100GB SSD10000GBYesFully ManagedYesYes
InterServer50% off First Month$128GB4120GB SSD4000GBYesFully ManagedNoYes
iWebFusion$35 for the first month of KVM Pro Plus$3516GB2150GB SSD5000GBYesFully ManagedNoYes
DevrimsN/A$10.951GB115GB SSD1024GBYesFully ManagedNoNo

The table is not ordered in any way. It isn’t ordered based on price, and it isn’t ordered based on quality. You can actually reorder it yourself.

Why get a cheap managed VPS?

Why not? The biggest misconception about managed VPS hosting is that it has to be expensive. It doesn’t, actually. It just happens that all of the popular managed VPS providers are a bit expensive. You will still get the same services with a $20 managed VPS as you would with a $100 managed VPS. An update is an update. A backup is a backup. Although, we do understand why you would trust the expensive providers more than the cheap ones.

You should always have a team ready to help you with anything related to your server, even if you know what you are doing. When the price differences from an unmanaged and a managed VPS plan is about $10, it doesn’t make any sense to get an unmanaged VPS. Pay the extra $10 for the 24/7 support you’ll get. It’s worth it.

All of the providers mentioned here have great 24/7 support

We avoided every bad provider. And yes, there are a lot of crappy VPS providers with a slow and inexperienced support team. All of them have great response times and even greater resolution times.

All of the providers are non-EIG

It’s important. We don’t really like EIG hosts, especially when it comes to managed hosting with 24/7 support. So, if you are familiar with EIG already, no worries. No EIG hosts here.

We have a discount for all of them!

Unbelievable, right? Well, you better believe it! We have a discount (coupon code) for every cheap plan listed here. So you’ll get the VPS even cheaper! Although, note that some of the discounts are one-time only (usually for the first payment). Even without a discount, the providers listed here are still cheap.

Minimum 1GB of RAM

For a normal, PHP-powered website (WordPress), 1GB of RAM is enough. Every hosting plan listed here has at least 1GB of RAM included. You can host WordPress on any plan listed here, and you can actually contact your support team and they will install and configure WordPress for you. They’ll probably even migrate your WordPress site.

There are more options

The plans listed here are their minimum. You can still get a more powerful (and still cheap) managed VPS from them, just visit their websites and pick the one that suits you the most.

$35 or less

You won’t pay more than $35 for the plans listed here. There are some plans that go as low as $14 a month. You’re probably paying even more for an unmanaged VPS at the moment.

All of them have great reviews

Check them our yourself. The customer reviews can tell you a lot about a provider. All of them are even recommended by the WHT community, which is the leading web hosting community. The owners and customers are active on there and they have real reviews for their services.

Try them out for free

Most of them have a “free trial” option, where you can try out their services, and if you don’t like them (which is highly unlikely), you can just ask for your money back. All of them have a money-back guarantee.

So, what’s the best provider out of all of them?

Depends on your requirements. All of them are great. You’ll make a good choice picking any of these providers. You can contact us and we’ll help you choose one.

Do all managed VPS providers use a control panel?

Not all of them, but most of them do. They do this because it’s easier for beginners and it’s easier for them to manage your server. Managed VPS providers that use a control panel won’t let you NOT use a panel, but managed VPS providers that don’t use a control panel will let you use one at an additional cost. So you can go with a provider like SolaDrive that doesn’t offer a control panel with their managed plans by default, and buy cPanel that’s available as an addon.

Have any other recommendations? Can’t decide which one suits you the most? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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