
19 posts

Content related to Linux.

add user to group in linux

How to add a user to a group in Linux

Users are arranged into different groups on all Linux-based systems. The whole idea behind this is that it makes the administration of the system easier, as the users can be arranged into different groups, and can be granted different permissions as required by the system administrator. The same user can be included in different groups, and the same file can be given different permissions based on the groups.

This article is about how to add a user to a group.

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change password in Linux

How to change passwords in Linux via the CLI (Terminal)

The passwords for user accounts often need to be changed. This is mostly done by the users themselves, but often, they have to be overridden by the administrator to control any illegitimate activity by any of the users. Because of these reasons, Linux provides a wide range of options for user account password management. We have discussed some of these useful options below:

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copying files and directories in Linux

How to Copy Files or Directories in Linux

One of the most prominent features of Linux based systems is the CLI interface. No doubt, other operating systems have them too, but no other operating system has it at the level of importance as Linux based systems. And the fact is, that it is great! CLI is much faster than GUI methods (like graphical file managers), and is much lighter on the system resources. Furthermore, it’s not only better, but it’s sometimes absolutely required in certain situations, like managing web servers. Most web servers are controlled remotely over the Internet, and requires the administrator to have CLI skills.
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