WordPress Content

31 posts

Tutorials, comparisons, reviews, and more WordPress content.

wordpress on cloudways

How to Deploy a WordPress Website on Cloudways

We are living in a tech-dominated world. Whether you sell t-shirts or are a CEO of a bank, you need to embrace technology with open arms.

As a business in today’s world, it is very likely that your online presence involves WordPress. If that’s the case, you might want to opt for managed hosting.

This article will help you deploy WordPress on Cloudways – a managed hosting service.

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check if wordpress is secure

5 Things to Check to Ensure Your WordPress is Secure

Many people and companies have WordPress websites owing to the fact that WordPress websites are highly visible on the internet and are very convenient to use. Nevertheless, for the exact reasons that WordPress websites have huge internet visibility, and that WordPress is an open source script – WordPress websites may become vulnerable to brute force attacks – or hacker attacks.

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