Linux, Web Hosting, and Everything Else in Between
Linux, Web Hosting, and Everything Else in Between

Leveraging Content Marketing to Boost Your Web Hosting Business

what is seo marketing

Your web hosting business is a business like any other – it depends on your online reputation, ability to attract more clients, and relationship with your current clients. Each of these factors can be affected (and improved upon) with the right content marketing strategy. Here are five ways in which leveraging an adequate content marketing strategy willl boost your web hosting business.

1. Drive more traffic

The most important thing you need to understand is that in order to attract more potential clients to your web hosting business, you would need to invest in content marketing. First of all, this will boost your site’s ranking and attract more t traffic to it.

By making a great blog, you’ll get so many SEO perks.

  • People will take time to read your content, which means that they’ll actually increase the average page retention metric.
  • They’ll visit more than just one page, which will increase the number of pages visited.
  • People will return for more, which will increase the number of return visitors.
  • Great content will generate backlinks, which is already a huge perk.

Just keep in mind that you have to do more than just focus on the content. You also need to handle all the technical aspects of your site. It needs to be functional, effective, and presentable. One of the ways to do so is with a BCMS headless CMS, which will give you a chance to leverage API to create your own frontend. It’s open source and highly extensible, so it’s a great way to optimize your website.

For any business to grow, it needs customers, and every customer is someone who has just heard of the business and decided to check out your offer. The more people hear of you, the better your offer will be.

2. Produce high-quality content

In order to trust you, people need to have some sort of relationship with you. A lot of businesses struggle with establishing this first contact. They’re like a guy who’s 100% sure that the girl would love them if she were only to give them a chance.

Well, through quality content, you have a chance to produce value before you ever become a paying customer.

Web hosting is a pretty simple matter for the end users, but the users lack a surprising amount of information about the very nature of the industry. By writing extensively about this, you’ll gain their trust and establish yourself as the authority on the subject matter.

Moreover, through a good content strategy, you’re actually building up your brand recognition. Just imagine a scenario where they read things on your blog several times before deciding to go with a hosting service. Who do you think they’ll do business with, someone they’ve never heard of or your brand (that they’re already somewhat familiar with)?

The more they return (and return visitors are always a goal of your content marketing), the more they’ll trust you.

3. Boost your social media marketing

One of the things you need to take into consideration is the fact that your social media marketing makes all the difference in the world when it comes to your reach.

Now, while you can just create social media accounts and pay for advertising, this is not the most efficient way to go about these things.

To boost your social media presence, you need an account that looks organic. You also need organic content, and sharing your own content marketing is one of the best ways to do so. First, you get to share your content and increase its reach. Second, your social media benefits greatly from it.

According to SEO specialists from Atropos Digital, while links on social media don’t count as backlinks, they still give you amazing results. After all, they drive traffic, boost your brand recognition, and more. It really doesn’t matter how they discover you as long as they interact with your brand.

While social media marketing is separate from SEO, it still increases visibility, and so many perks overlap.

4. The blog has so much scalability

In a way, your blogging history can be seen as your credit history. Someone trying to vet your site, your business, or your online presence might just go a few pages down to see how old your blog is. When they see it’s a few years old, they’ll automatically see you as more trustworthy.

Now, you cannot retroactively make your blog older, but then again, there’s really no point in waiting for too long or postponing things. The sooner you start, the better the outcomes. The main reason behind this is that having a blog is such a scalable thing for your business and overall online presence.

The fact that starting a blog is so easy makes this an even bigger non-issue.

Other than trust-building, consistency in sharing your content and engaging with your audience (which we’ll discuss a bit later on), and more, backlink earning also takes quite a while. If your content is high-quality and you create the right type of content (stat pages, how-tos, reviews, etc.), you can make linkable assets that will generate links for a long time.

5. Live audience engagement

Lastly, your content marketing gives you a chance to engage with your audience in real time.

Their interaction and engagement with your content will already give you a chance to see how well you are performing. People who are satisfied with your content are rarely dissatisfied with your service.

If you have a comment section (or when you start sharing it via social media), you’ll develop a far better understanding of their real opinions about your content. This way, you’ll get more than just vanity metrics to focus on.

Even just a subjective feeling of how your content is doing can be indicative, but if you add analytical tools to the mix, you get far more meaningful results.

Moreover, you get continuity in this engagement and interactions. Since your editorial calendar will have something planned on a regular basis, people will even anticipate your future content. Sequels of previously successful content pieces and internal linking opportunities shouldn’t be downplayed, either.

Wrap up

Ultimately, content marketing is something that has endless benefits… it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Still, for any of the above-listed to hold true, your content needs to be high-quality, and you need to display a remarkable level of consistency with your posting. Also, you need to see your content marketing as a part of a bigger whole (social media marketing, SEO, etc.).

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