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How to Host a Website on a cPanel VPS

How to Host a Website on a cPanel VPS

When surfing to buy a web host, the first thing that catches your eye on some sites is the cPanel VPS. But what exactly is a cPanel host? cPanel is not a host, but like other control panels, it is only a web application that is installed on Linux servers, especially the CentOS distribution, and gives you WHM and cPanel access. In other words, based on the Linux operating system, a variety of control panels (like DirectAdmin, Webmin, etc) can be installed, which one of them is WHM/cPanel. The cPanel shared hosting services will give you just the cPanel user-end but the cPanel VPS comes with all root privileges and WHM(admin-end) too.

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Dos and Donts for starting your first website

Do’s and Dont’s for Starting Your First Website

Starting a website is one of the best things you could do for your business. A website will make sure that your work gets seen by more people and will allow you to create a first impression that lasts. However, if someone has a bad experience on your site, they’re likely to leave it and stumble across your competition instead. In this article, I’m going to talk about what you should and shouldn’t do on your first website.
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