Search Results for : advertising

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WordPress security guidelines

4 Approaches to Embracing Privacy in Marketing

It’s undeniable that technology is constantly developing, but with the advancement of technology come many societal changes. While one group of people enjoyed the fact that they were receiving ads that were highly relevant to them, others felt frightened about how much these companies knew about them.

Over time, people became concerned about the different ways in which devices collect our personal information. For example, some research shows that almost 80% of internet users feel as if they have lost control over their personal data.

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WordPress burnt on wood

Striving to Become a Professional WordPress Blogger? Keep These 6 Things in Mind

Starting a blog has never been easier. Thanks to WordPress, you can set up your blog in minutes with a few clicks and minimal technical knowledge. But, there are a few things that separate professional bloggers that make money from those that don’t.

Here are six things to keep in mind if you’re striving to become a professional WordPress blogger:

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free web hosting - pros and cons

Why You Should NOT Choose a Free Web Hosting Provider

Lots of new businesses try to cut costs wherever they can. Of course, if a company doesn’t have a website, it basically can’t survive! Today, customers get pretty demanding, and the competition is insane right now! Business owners have to make the best out of their available resources, so they stand out in the market.

Getting something for free might sound appealing to lots of people. Start-ups are already struggling, and small businesses are constantly under attack from huge corporations. So, for some entrepreneurs, creating a website should be all about saving time and money! Still, without an effective online presence, you don’t stand a chance!

If you don’t have a lot of experience in creating websites, free hosting might sound great to you. You will quickly see that free doesn’t always mean great quality, especially in IT.

So, are you ready to save some time for your business? Read on to learn why you should not choose free web hosting!

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