
354 posts

cloud storage for business

Cloud Storage for Businesses: Top 5 Compared

More companies than ever before have embraced cloud storage. So whether you are in the office, on the road, or at home, you can access your files from everywhere. Not only that, cloud computing provides offsite storage of data, thus ensuring your digital security. When it comes to cloud storage, the big divide is between self-hosted options and major services controlled by large corporations. We’ll dive into the leading platforms to help you decide which cloud storage option is best for your company.

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is Linux safer than Windows and macOS

Is Linux Safer Than Windows and macOS?

Cybersecurity is extremely important – now more than ever. If you start to do research, however, you’ll find a debate going on about which operating system is the safest. These days, more IT professionals and companies are preaching the benefits of Linux systems. There are definitely some security advantages to the platform. But like everything in the computer world, so much comes down to user training. Even if you have a very secure platform, a virus can still be a problem. So let’s take a look at Linux and some of the advanced security measures you need to take.

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