Namecheap is one of the most popular domain providers that offers web hosting services along with domains and SSLs. You can read our Namecheap review if you want to learn more about them. Read more on how to get cashback for your orders at Namecheap.
ThisHosting.Rocks is a server hosting company currently focused on improving the game server experience. Unlike other game server hosting companies, they have opted to offer their services by server resources rather than per player slot. They are ardent believers that their product is a service that augments game servers. Their architecture is based upon industry standard KVM virtualization so their customers can enjoy their own virtualized dedicated servers with dedicated resources.
eUKhost is one of the best web hosting providers in the UK. They’re featured in our WordPress hosting comparison and they’re a hosting provider that’s often recommended by the Reddit community. Aside from using coupons, you can also get cash back on your order.
Scala Hosting is one of the best web hosting providers offering all kinds of web hosting plans – shared, VPS, cloud, managed, and more. Aside from using our exclusive coupons, you can also get cash back on your order.